Cites WTC 7 in interview with Peter Bergen
Peter Bergen: The official explanation of 9/11 — do you buy?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Which is what?
Bergen: Al-Qaeda attacked us on 9/11.
Kennedy: I don’t know what happened on 9/11. I mean, I understand what the official explanation is. I understand that there is dissent. I have not looked into it. I haven’t examined it. I’m not a good person to talk to about it.
Bergen: Well, I mean, so there’s doubt in your mind that al-Qaeda was responsible?
Kennedy: Well, I know, I don’t know, you know. I know there’s strange things that happened that don’t seem —
Bergen: What are the strange things?
Kennedy: Well, one of the buildings came down that wasn’t hit by a plane. So, you know, was it Building 7 or Building 10?
Bergen: That collapsed because two of the world’s biggest buildings collapsed on top of it.
Kennedy: No, they didn’t collapse on top of it. My offices were down there. My offices were closed —
Bergen: So one of the buildings, next to the Trade Center —
Kennedy: There’s pictures of it collapsing. There’s nothing collapsing on top of it. I mean, listen, I don’t want to argue any theories about this because all I’ve heard is questions. I have no explanation. I have no knowledge of it. But what you’re repeating now, I know not to be true.

US Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Jr, Claims CIA Killed JFK and Covered Up Assassination. Robert F Kennedy Jr with his late late uncle and former president John F Kennedy
As engineers, we have a legal responsibility to guard the public’s safety.
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