Evidence overview will be submitted by former congressman Curt Weldon
A coalition of 9/11 activists – including the leadership and staff of AE911Truth – has authored a document that summarizes the World Trade Center 9/11 evidence and submitted it to former congressman Curt Weldon to be delivered to the Trump administration.
Weldon asked for a written overview of the evidence that he could use to lobby the president to create a presidential commission to reinvestigate the WTC destruction on September 11, 2001.
Read it HERE
This unprecedented collaboration within the 9/11 Truth Movement, the results of which you can read by clicking the link above, summarizes the proof that the three WTC towers were brought down in controlled demolitions. It offers an overview of the case the 9/11 truth team is prepared to make when it is summoned to Washington, D.C., to testify in front of the proposed commission.
The document’s authors include a collection of well-known voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Among these are retired firefighting captain Raul Angulo; AE911Truth’s own Roland Angle and Kamal Obeid; AE911Truth’s founder, Richard Gage; retired University of Alaska Fairbanks engineering professor Leory Hulsey, who authored the WTC 7 study refuting NIST’s conclusions; David Chandler, whose research encouraged NIST to concede that WTC 7 experienced 2.5 seconds of free fall; and Barbara Honegger and Mick Harrison of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.
Also listed as co-authors are retired firefighters Paul Kayley, Erik Lawyer, and Christopher Gioia. The document was edited by 9/11 activists Gene and Sandra Laratonda and AE911Truth writer Craig McKee with graphic design by AE911Truth’s Jeff Long.
Our best opportunity ever!
While our cause has faced many obstacles and challenges over its existence, Weldon’s project offers the greatest opportunity we have ever had to accomplish our collective mission and to achieve justice for the nearly 3,000 people who died on September 11, 2001. It also acknowledges the hundreds of thousands who have died in the wars that resulted from 9/11 and those who died from exposure to the toxic dust at Ground Zero.
In its first few weeks of existence, the Trump administration has taken some tentative but bold steps towards breaking down the wall of secrecy that surrounds some of the nation’s most consequential, and devastating, controversies. These steps include ordering the declassification of all documents surrounding the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as those relating to the Jeffrey Epstein case and the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.
In fact, just this week, the head special agent of the FBI office in New York was fired on the order of the Department of Justice, apparently for attempting to withhold thousands of pages of documents related to the Epstein case that had been requested by Attorney General Pam Bondi.
It our goal and our hope that the administration’s push for transparency and accountability include the most tragic event in modern history – September 11, 2001.
The wind has begun to blow in our favor, but our work is not close to being finished.
Together, we will keep fighting until the job is done.