As we emerge from the Spike Lee debacle, it is becoming ‘cool’ to question 9/11

Do you want the good news or the not so good? Would you rather hear that the glass is half full or half empty?

Whichever way you might wish to describe the state of 9/11 truth in 2024, the effort to expose the deception of September 11, 2001, to the wider population of the U.S. and the world is still alive after 23 years.

With little fanfare, those who have fought to expose the 9/11 false flag have stuck to their guns in the face of all establishment efforts to protect the lie. Some have raised awareness, some have done essential research on the evidence, and some have supported the cause financially. It has all been so important. The determination and stamina of everyone involved has made the survival of this cause possible.

But this effort has come with its setbacks and its frustrations. As always, the establishment – particularly governments and the mainstream media – has never let up on its propaganda campaign, featuring outright lies about 9/11 and the routine smearing of “conspiracy theorists.” (Why do these “bizarre” beliefs persist after all these years…)

The obstacles faced by the Truth Movement over the last few years, particularly in the lead-up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in 2021, have been challenging. Despite this, there was a tremendous amount of positive energy in the movement as that milestone approached.

During this period, and even after, AE911Truth produced two of the best documentary films on 9/11 ever done (SEVEN and The Unspeakable). It shamed the New York Times with a powerful billboard right opposite its offices. And it received public endorsements of its efforts from famous actors like William Hurt and Rosie O’Donnell.

But by far, the most impressive accomplishment was engaging the support of famed film director Spike Lee, who announced that he was devoting the last 30 minutes of his 2021 HBO series NYC Epicenters: 9/11-2021½ to the work of AE911Truth.

This was the massive opportunity the movement had been waiting for. Millions would see a positive portrayal of the efforts of the organization and be exposed to its essential World Trade Center evidence. All we had to do was avoid giving HBO the excuse to stop it.

But it was not to be. For reasons I won’t dwell on in this article, mainstream media found the excuse they needed to pressure HBO to pull the segment from the series. And HBO caved to that pressure quite easily, ordering Lee to drop the 30 minutes that could have changed everything.

This was devastating for the 9/11 truth cause. And it took a fair amount of air out the movement’s sails for a while.

How would we get past this? How could we reignite the energy that led to so much progress over 20+ years? How would 9/11 truth organizations like AE911Truth even survive as we all contemplated the next decade of struggle?

Making things even more complicated was the Covid event, which caused a degree of splintering among truthers. Some felt that Covid was first a massive health emergency while others saw it as more of an unprecedented play for greater control by the global elite. Families were divided, friendships ended.

How could we expect people to think about 9/11 when their lives were being turned upside down by fear (of illness, social isolation, economic harm…) amid the crushing effects of lockdowns, curfews, and vaccine mandates?

But even as the Covid crisis wound down, other disasters emerged. Since 2022 we’ve had the Ukraine War, which increasingly risks becoming a global conflict or even a nuclear war as the U.S. authorizes Ukraine to fire American long-range missiles into Russia. Add to that the October 7 event in Israel, the ensuing slaughter in Gaza, and violent conflicts involving Israel, Iran, and Lebanon. And much of this against the backdrop of a polarizing U.S. election.

With all of this, even some of the most dedicated 9/11 truth activists may have begun to wonder if it might be time to set 9/11 aside and move on to other struggles.

But the wisest thinkers in the Truth Movement kept their sights on the bigger picture. They understood that for all of us to see through future mass deceptions by the deep state, we must come to terms with how so many were fooled by the 9/11 official story and how we can awaken them to the evidence.

So, we fight on.

I know what you’re thinking – when are we going to get to the glass-half-full part?

I’m gettin’ to it…

As 9/11 was being pushed further into the background and world events were getting crazier and crazier, a funny thing happened. Just when it looked like the movement might be running out of steam, we got some help.

In recent months, we have started to see a significant change in what some of the most prominent political commentators in the world are willing to say about 9/11. It wasn’t that long ago that most avoided touching the subject for fear of being ridiculed and risking the loss of a significant portion of their audiences. But now, quite a number of commentators – some “alternative” and some on the edges of the mainstream – are openly challenging the official narrative of 9/11.

Among those who have found these waters safer to wade into is Tucker Carlson, the most watched cable news personality in the U.S. when he was at Fox News and now the creator of his own network. Add to that the most watched podcaster in America, Joe Rogan, who has also questioned the official story in recent months.

And it doesn’t stop there. Comedian/podcaster Jimmy Dore began to scoff at the government claims about World Trade Center Building 7, even interviewing Professor Leroy Hulsey (who headed up the study on the destruction of Building 7 by the University of Alaska Fairbanks). Also jumping on board have been Candace Owens, Patrick Bet-David, and Russell Brand.

Several others who appeared on AE911Truth’s The 24th Hour online conference in September expressed their open disbelief of the official story. They included Ian Crossland, Alex Stein, Meryl Nass, Madhava Setty, Zach Vorhies, Daniele Ganser, and Sean Stone. (You’ll find all the 24th Hour interviews on our YouTube channel and embedded within this article below.)

And if all that isn’t enough, presidential candidate Jill Stein appeared at the conference to express her support for a new 9/11 investigation.

In the face of the crushing disappointment of the Spike Lee event, and in the face of new global catastrophes and deceptions, has come a new interest in 9/11. It turns out that the insanity of Covid, Ukraine, and Gaza has not made people tire of 9/11 after all.

In fact, one could argue that these more recent events are helping people to see through 9/11. And vice versa.

It is becoming safer to question the official 9/11 lies. And the more who do, the safer it gets. It’s an opening that we must take advantage of. The momentum is now ours. And we must keep the pressure on, now more than ever.

People are thirsty for truth. That’s why we all need that glass to be half full.

And that’s just what it is.


Craig McKee is a writer for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the creator of the blogs Truth and Shadows and Thought Crimes and MisdemeanorsHe also hosts the Truth and Shadows podcast on YouTube and Rumble.


Check out our engineering panel discussion and interviews from our anniversary 9/11 conference with Jill Stein, Jimmy DoreAlex Stein, Zach Vorhies, and Daniele GanserMadhava SettyMeryl NassSean Stone and Ian Crossland that have already been posted on our YouTube channel!

Of course, you can also watch video of the entire conference here: 

We want to thank all who participated in the event and all of those who help us make it possible. This includes supporters like YOU. Without your support, the essential work of AE911Truth would not be possible. 

Help us make the government of the United States accountable to the people again!



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From Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth and filmmaker, Dylan Avery comes this short documentary that is both hauntingly beautiful in its presentation and startlingly grim in its revelations. 

Join civil engineer, Jonathan Cole through an informational odyssey as he revisits the controversy surrounding the impossible destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 on September 11th 2001, and how his research, along with the research of others, has pulled the rug out from under the conclusions offered by the federal government on why those three buildings ultimately failed. 

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