Next Wednesday, July 6, at 5:00 PM Eastern, AE911Truth will hold the first of many online presentations that members of our Project Due Diligence team will be giving on the first and second Wednesdays of each month.
Presentations on the first Wednesday of each month will be about World Trade Center Building 7, while presentations on the second Wednesday of each month will be about the Twin Towers.
These presentations are geared to engineering audiences but can be understood by anyone who wishes to learn about the falsehoods in NIST’s World Trade Center reports. Participants will be able to submit questions through the chatbox on YouTube. The presentations will also be available on Facebook and at
Engineer John Schuler, who is the outreach team leader for Project Due Diligence, will be giving the first two presentations in July.
Our goal is to attract lots of engineers and architects as the series proceeds. Some engineers will be able to receive continuing education credits for participating. So please tell your friends that they can find us on the first and second Wednesday of each month at
Stay tuned for a link to the presentation next week!